Out Gamed Page 4
Warden looked me over, took my hand and smirked. “Heard about you. The women talk. Good luck with gettin’ to Nance through Talon.”
Snorting, I grinned. “Reckon I’ll need it, but I’m determined.” I caught Dodge’s eyes. “I’m headin’ out. Call if you need me.” He gave me a chin lift. “Good to meet you both.” I nodded.
“You too,” Warden said, while Emerson gave me a small wave.
Since it was already late in the afternoon, I decided to head to my room first to grab a bag in case I ended up staying in Ballarat at the compound there. I wouldn’t ask or expect or even want to stay at Nancy’s. I just wanted to see her for a while, get my fill and head out, that’s if she’d want to see my sorry arse. Hell, maybe I should call ahead. Then again, the thought of surprising her was something I liked.
Instead, I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and dialled Wildcat—Zara—she’d know her mum’s whereabouts.
“Hey, Gamer here.”
Silence and then hesitantly and quietly. “Gamer?”
“Who the fuck is it?” I heard in the background.
“It’s just Deanna, honey. Be back, she… ah, wants to talk about her period.”
“Jesus,” Talon bit out.
I chuckled, happily surprised Wildcat had my back. She really was up for me and her mum it seemed.
“Gamer, everything okay?” she asked once free.
“Know I could be puttin’ you on the spot, but I’m gonna risk askin’ anyway. I’m headin’ to Ballarat, wantin’ to surprise Nancy with a visit. You think she’d be up for it?”
She made a noise in the back of her throat. “Yes,” she squeaked. “I’m sure she would.”
My fucking smile near cracked my face. “Fan-fuckin’-tastic. You willin’ to share where she’s at?” Eagerness ran through my veins at the thought of seeing Nancy.
“Usually she’d be at home by now after work, but she’s gone to a pub with some work people. I’m not sure how long she’ll be there for.”
“What’s it called?”
As soon as she gave me the name, I thanked her and got on my way.
It was just hitting dinner time when I rocked into Ballarat. The pub wasn’t hard to find, and thank fuck there was a spot right out front so I could keep an eye on my ride through the huge windows.
Walking into the dim-lit place, I got a few concerned gazes when they glanced at my cut. Little did they know I wasn’t there to cause trouble. Instead, my whole focus was to gaze at my future woman.
Christ, that made me sound like a stalker or a fucking weirdo.
Shit, my gut picked that moment to eat itself in goddamn nerves.
What happened if she didn’t want to see me?
Zara could be wrong, or had Nancy been talking about me to her daughter?
Maybe she had and it was all good, which was why Zara encouraged me to make the ride.
But then again, Nancy was with her work colleagues. There was a chance she wouldn’t want to be seen with a biker in front of them. Yeah, there was a high chance she wanted to ignore my sleazy arse. Be too embarrassed I was there, creeping on her in front of her people.
Fuck. I suddenly felt like I did back in my nerdy teen years, so damn unsure about myself.
I’d just have to play it cool. I didn’t want to embarrass her in any damn way, so I’d stand back and if she saw me, waved me over or came over to me, I’d then know things were cool with me popping up to Ballarat. If she saw me and then it showed she didn’t want anything to do with me, I’d head out to my ride and lick my wounds all the bloody way home.
Sweat started to form on the back of my neck. I was a bundle of fucking nerves—worried she enjoyed texting me rather than wanting to see me face-to-face.
I wanted to run for the exit, but my feet moved me towards the bar. There I ordered two beers, the first I sculled before I took the other in hand and turned to face the room.
Yeah, the lighting was shit, but at least I could still make out the people. It helped me spot the group in the corner booth just as Nancy, who sat on the edge, threw her head back in laughter. She took all the attention. People smiled as they watched her. They even laughed with her because she made it catchy.
Fuck, she was stunning.
She wore jeans, a tee, and her thick hair was up in a messy bun. All I wanted to do was walk over there and take it down, run my fucking fingers through her sexy-as-hell locks.
When she slapped the table and said something else that made others laugh, a smile crept onto my lips as I leaned back against the bar with my arse on one of the stools.
Damn, I could watch her the whole night and not get bored.
Except it was then a dickhead from across the table reached out and placed his hand on Nancy’s arm. I tensed, my eyes narrowing onto that hold.
How fucking dare he touch her without Nancy giving the go-ahead. Christ, I could tell the way she glanced down with a slight frown she wasn’t down with having his touch on her.
I fucking hummed in need to go over there and punch the motherfucker in the face.
It was lucky she pulled her arm free and gave him a polite smile, saying something back to whatever he’d said. The other two women at the table shared a look before one of them grabbed Nancy’s attention. Frowning, the guy sat back in the booth. I was back to grinning since he’d just been put in his place. It was whether he was going to be stupid and try again that concerned me. Then I would intervene.
Someone stepped up to my side. “Hey, handsome. I’d love to have a drink with you.”
I didn’t even bother looking at her. My eyes stayed glued to Nancy. “Not interested.”
I heard a huff and then retreating footsteps.
It was then Nancy looked my way.
Her eyes widened, then softened. Best of all, she smiled so damn big at the sight of me.
Smirking, I winked, lifted my beer bottle, and tipped it her way before taking a sip.
My chest expanded when her hand lifted and waved me over.
Yeah, my woman was happy to see me.
Chapter Five
Usually being at the bar with Kari and Vanessa, my friends and fellow nurses, would be something I’d enjoy a lot. The only dampener on the afternoon sat across from me and next to Kari. Doctor Hendrick called us over as we headed out of the hospital. When he asked what we were up to and we told him, he invited himself along. Which was fine, for the most part. The issue was all he did was talk about himself and apparently, he thought he was pretty damn amazing. He was nice enough, but kind of a douche.
He was blocking my time with my girlfriends and our usual talk about penis size, Married at First Sight, and all the strange cases we had to deal with for the week.
I’d just finished telling them a funny story and laughing when Hendrick’s, whose first name I didn’t even know, hand landed down on my arm.
I swear my stomach rolled.
There went my effort at trying to gain back the night from Doctor Boring.
Nance, this guy’s a loser. I smirked from Richard’s voice flowing through my mind.
“So, Nancy, since I know you have like a billion paid vacation days, if you could pick anywhere in the world, where would you go?” Vanessa asked to break the awkward silence.
That was simple.
“To be with my girl Josie. Help her get ready for the birth.”
“Isn’t she away with her two men? Lucky woman.”
Smiling, I nodded. “She is. Still, I’d just head to Caroline Springs. I have other friends there.”
Also a certain biker who I texted with every day. One who could always draw out a pleasant reaction from me when I saw his name on my screen.
Nothing like Hendrick’s.
“Your daughter’s with two men?” the douche said with his nose in the air.
I was about to bite back, letting him know she was and how much love she had in her life, when Kari spoke. “Nancy, I think th
at guy at the bar is staring at you.”
I glanced to her and found her pointing towards the bar. Turning, I looked across the room, and my heart stalled.
Roman was there, sitting at the bar in Ballarat.
A smile came over me at seeing, actually seeing him. He winked my way, smirked, and took a sip of his beer. My hand came up and before my brain registered the move, I was waving him over. Now, he I could see you with, Nance. God, was it really Richard’s voice or was it my own conscience? I didn’t know, but what I did realise was I couldn’t seem to stop smiling at seeing Roman. My belly was a flutter of nerves and excitement.
“Don’t call that man over, Nancy. He’s riff-raff.”
“I think he’s quite edible,” Kari commented.
I said nothing, though I did agree with Kari. I didn’t miss the appreciative sigh Vanessa shared. I watched Roman stand. He twisted to put the empty bottle on the bar before facing us again and making his way slowly over.
My stomach dipped and twirled around at the sight of him in his jeans, black tee that covered his broad chest and big arms, biker boots, and his club vest. He may look rough, but it was in a way I admired.
The man had been on my mind constantly. He lessened the sorrow in my heart and replaced it with a different beat.
One just for him it seemed.
How crazy was that?
Not crazy at all, sweetheart.
I shook off Richard’s voice and still thought it was completely crazy really, but at that moment seeing Roman in the flesh, I didn’t give two shits.
He stood beside the booth and stared down at me, grinning, while I looked up at him smiling like a maniac.
“You’re in Ballarat,” I stupidly commented.
“Sure am, darlin’.”
Darling. No that wasn’t right. Darlin’. Now that I liked. So did my pulse.
Vanessa dropped another sigh while Kari giggled.
“Who might you be, young man?” Hendrick cut in.
Roman ignored him. Instead, he said, “Scoot over, honey.” His chin lifted my way. I glanced behind me to see Vanessa had already moved over. I shifted along, and Roman sat next to me. He didn’t face forward though. No, he moved so he had an arm resting along the back of the booth behind me, his other folded on the table, and his eyes stayed glued to me.
His gorgeous blue eyes.
God, could I really think of his eyes that way?
Someone who was so much younger than I was?
I didn’t know, but I couldn’t help it. Not when he was looking at me with warmth in them.
“How was your day?” he asked. His lips twitched. I caught the movement by watching his mouth move, which was surrounded by a goatee and moustache.
“Good,” I whispered, though it wasn’t. It was busy and hard, but that didn’t matter. I was good right then.
“Glad,” he said, as his eyes roamed my face.
“Excuse me, I asked who you were,” Hendrick grumbled.
Again, Roman didn’t glance away from me. “I’m whoever Nancy says I am to her.”
My chest tightened.
“Nancy?” Hendrick demanded.
I briefly glanced at Hendrick, then back, and gulped. “He’s Ro—”
“Gamer,” Roman said with a smile.
A smile I responded with my own. “Gamer.”
“And?” Hendrick snapped.
“He’s a friend,” I replied, searching Roman to see if I’d hurt him in some way with my response, though I honestly didn’t know what he was to me, yet.
However, Roman smiled. His hand lifted off the table and gently, his fingers traced the side of my neck. “Yeah, I’m her friend.”
I thinned my lips to stop from making a pleased noise as he bit his bottom lip while he watched his fingers on my neck. He traced them up and across my jaw before dropping his hand again.
“Dear Jesus, I think I just came,” I heard from Vanessa.
“I’m right there with you,” came from Kari.
Good God, I needed new friends right in that moment.
Roman’s eyes lit with humour.
“Nancy, how can you associate with men like this, this, hooligan?”
Vanessa snorted behind me. Kari laughed out, “Hooligan.”
Anger built inside of me. First he judged my daughter and now Roman. It wasn’t nice. In fact, it pissed me off. Facing Hendrick, I said harshly, “I think it’s time you go, you judgemental arsehole.”
“Nancy!” he gasped.
“No,” I snapped. “My daughter, who you turned your nose up at, is an amazing, beautiful woman who lived in hell, came out alive, and found the love of two men who absolutely adore her. From what I can see, you’ll only see the love of your hand unless you change your attitude and some poor suspecting woman will fall for you.” I glared. “And don’t you sit there judging the man next to me. I haven’t felt lightness in my heart in such a long time. My kids were the only ones bringing me joy until Roman showed me there was more to life after losing Richard. He’s kind, sweet, funny, and damn dangerous. So you don’t want to piss me off again or I’ll let him at you.” My chest heaved with every heavy breath I took.
Heat appeared on the back of my neck, Roman’s hand calming me.
Hendrick stood. “Don’t expect me to speak or be pleasant to you,”—he glared at my friends—“or any of you again.”
“Fine with me, jackarse,” Vanessa said with a wave.
“Oh, and don’t think you can screw us nurses over in the hospital when I know things about you no one should ever know,” Kari told him.
He blanched, turned, and stalked off.
“Kari, what do you have on Hendrick?” Vanessa asked.
Kari laughed. “Nothing, but he’s obviously been up to something to get the fear of God in his eyes.”
I glanced to Roman. His eyes were already on me. His jaw ticked and he nodded. He would look into the doctor in case whatever Hendrick had been up to was harmful to others.
When we didn’t look away from one another, Vanessa cleared her throat. “So,” she drew out. I startled and shifted back in the seat, so I didn’t have my back to her. “How did you and… Gamer, was it?” I nodded. “Meet? By the way, I’m Vanessa and that’s Kari.”
Roman nodded at both with a smirk on his lips. “Nice to meet ya.”
“How did you two meet?” she asked eagerly.
“Um,” I started. I side-glanced Roman, hoping he would supply the answer. Only he leaned back in the booth and watched me. Great. “Through my son-in-law and his big family.” Usually, I would tell them about everything in life. However, I hadn’t mentioned Roman and his attention towards me. I wanted it to stay private for a little longer. My eyes widened a little when I realised I didn’t want him to think he was nothing to me. “We’ve been talking for a while now through text.”
“Really,” was drawn out by Kari. When I glared at her, I watched her brows raise up and down quickly.
Roman chuckled beside me. “Your girls are as bad as the pussy posse.”
Vanessa coughed through a sip of her drink. “The what?”
I started laughing, but managed to explain, “It’s what Talon calls Zara’s girlfriends.” Smiling, I looked at Roman. “Though Julian has a different name altogether.”
He snorted. “That he does.”
“What?” Kari asked.
“The muffkateers,” I said. We all cackled over it. “Or was it another brother who thought of it?”
“Not sure, darlin’. Before my time.”
“Before your time? You certainly don’t look old.” Vanessa commented.
“Meanin’ the Ballarat Charter started it,” Roman said.
“You’re not from there?”
“Nah, Caroline Springs.”
“Hmm, that’s not far,” Vanessa said and looked at me. I rolled my eyes, understanding her look all too well. She could see the interest Roman had in me, though it wasn’t hard since he was sitting as
close as he could, and his hand was still at the back of my neck.
Roman chuckled. “Not far at all.”
“Anyway, Vanessa and I have to get going.” Kari scooted along the seat. My eyes widened and my heart raced. They were leaving me with Roman. Alone. My hands started to shake, and anticipation thrummed through me. I was also excited to have time with just him in person instead of over text.
Kari stood beside the booth as Roman got up, his hand coming out. I looked at it and prayed he didn’t see how my own trembled as I took his hand. Wordlessly, he helped me stand to let Vanessa out.
“It was great to meet you.” Vanessa smiled. Out the corner of her mouth, she muttered, “We’ll be talking.” I got a quick hug from her before she stood back and Kari came in to wrap her arms around me.
“I like him, Nancy,” she whispered. She pulled away and we smiled softly at each other.
“We’ll talk soon,” I promised them before they walked off.
We stood for a moment longer watching them leave, though when I glanced to Roman, his eyes were already on me. Again. Was it extra hot in here? It suddenly felt it.
“You cool to stay longer?”
“Yes.” I nodded.
His smile was sweet. “Good.” He tipped his chin at the booth, and I slid back in. When I didn’t feel him sit back down, I looked up and found him leaning forward with his hands on the table. “Get you a drink. What’d you fancy?”
“Um, Coors?”
“Beer woman, my kinda lady.” He winked, straightened, and walked off. Of course I watched him go—the sight was amazing—but then I felt guilty for looking, and got pissed at myself for feeling guilty. I was allowed to look. He made sure I knew he was interested, so what was wrong with me looking and being… interested?
I wasn’t hurting Richard in any way. If he was still looking down on me, Richard would always know he had my whole heart.
It was just that Roman had started sinking in there as well. I didn’t think I was in love with the man. I knew I wasn’t. I hardly knew him beyond the texts we’d shared. But I did like him.
Nodding to myself, I finally let acceptance soak into me.