Never a Saint (Polished P & P Book 2) Page 3
“Good. I’ll be in my own vehicle and I’ll follow you to pick her up, then to the restaurant. I don’t leave your side until you’re back here and done for the night. You do not fuckin’ mess around with the rules, because one day, it could cost you. More importantly, it could cost the club, and we won’t take a hit over an employee being fuckin’ stupid.”
“Got it.” I nodded.
“Right. It’s damn different having you in the MC and workin’ here, but we’ll get it sorted, so everything runs smoothly. When you’re not workin’ here, Country said you still have shifts manning the bar at the compound. Saint will have it worked out so they don’t clash. Trust Saint, trust your guard, and things’ll be goddamn grand.”
“Again, got it.”
He nodded as we got into the elevator, and he turned to me and stared.
“What?” I asked.
“You sure this is a job you want?”
I smiled. “I’ll be doin’ this for a few years and then be lookin’ at something else. Just want some good money behind me.”
“Fair enough, but, prospect, you understand a lot of the clients are lonely and aren’t that good-lookin’?”
I laughed. “Yeah, I expected. Still, everyone deserves some lovin’ no matter what they look like. Shit, if I could help them out and make their day a little better, then I’d be happy with that.”
He looked at me as if he’d only just seen me or met me. I was getting that a lot these days.
“You’re a good kid,” he said when we walked out of the elevator and into the underground garage.
I snorted. “Torch, how old are you?”
“I’m twenty-three. I’m not a kid.”
He chuckled. “You’re still a kid in my eyes, and shit, you look younger. Way younger. It’ll be good for business at least.” He stopped and turned to me. “Take out your keys to the car and press the button, so you know which one it is. I’ll follow at a distance. Good luck, prospect.”
“Thanks, Torch.” I nodded, and he walked off to his car while I pulled the keys free and went to the vehicle.
As I slid into the seat, I read the address off the sheet. I knew the area, so I’d be able to find it easy enough. Then I checked her name again. “Fiona Martin.” I’d have to ask her how she wished to be addressed. I put the sheet in the glove box and started the car. I caught Torch following me out of the underground garage and onto the street.
Most would think this whole gig would be something to get nervous about. Maybe I would have been if it was a real date, but I reminded myself enough that this was business, and it seemed to be sticking. Though, I’d wait and see if I was still this calm when I pulled up out front of the client’s house.
Thinking of a house put my mind on where I lived. Boom and Wendy took me in when I was fourteen. They were more my parents than my real ones had been. It was hard to tell them my decision. I worried more about Wendy than Boom because she was the sensitive type, but we’d sworn to always tell each other the truth. Which was also how they knew I was bisexual. However, when the time came, just before the interview, I’d sat them down and explained my reasons for it.
“You know you don’t have to do this. We’ll help with your future,” Wendy had said.
I smiled softly at her. “I know, Wendy, but I want to do this for myself. And if I get the job, I’d also like to pay more rent.”
“Boy,” Boom boomed—it was how he got his club name; there was nothing quiet about him. “You do what you feel you gotta do, but you’d better wrap it before you tap anything.”
He’d said just about the same when I’d told him I was bisexual. God, I loved them. They were the best, and I wanted to give back to them as much as they gave. Boom was nearing sixty, and I was hoping with the extra cash coming in from me, he’d slow down a bit. It was doubtful, as he liked to keep busy, but he’d also promised Wendy a trip away soon, and the money I contributed could make it happen sooner.
I stopped the car out front of a two-story, modern brick home that shouted money. Before nerves even had the chance to surface, I shut the car down and climbed out. I stopped at the gate out front and glanced at the brick fence where there was an intercom.
Pressing the button, I waited.
“Hi, this is…” Shit, fuck, shit, was I supposed to use my real name? I couldn’t remember what the paper said. “Sorry, this is Jack Dell. I’m here to pick up Fiona Martin for dinner.” Hell, I would have to remember the name I used so I could use it if she asked for me again. I repeated it over and over in my mind.
“Yes, I’m Fiona Martin. I’ll be out in a moment. Thank you.”
“Great, see you soon.” I wasn’t a dick. I didn’t go back and wait in the car. Instead, I stayed where I was to escort her there.
The front door opened, and Fiona stepped out. She was dressed in an elegant yet simple black dress with a shawl wrapped around her shoulders and a purse hanging off her arm. As she grew closer, I saw her hair was brown with a few strands of gray peeking through. She was short and plus size, but beautiful.
“Jack, it’s lovely to meet you,” she greeted at the gate as she unlocked it.
I helped her open it with a smile. “Likewise, Fiona. I’m looking forward to dinner. I haven’t had a chance to go there yet.”
Her nervous smile brightened. “Oh, it’s beautiful.”
“I know I’ll enjoy it then.” I took her hand after she relocked her gate and tucked it into my elbow. I led her to the car and opened her door, but before she got in, I asked, “May I ask what you would prefer I call you?”
She blushed. “Well, you are very young, maybe Mrs. Martin. But then again, it would probably make me feel like I’m speaking to a student. Really, Fiona will be fine.”
I grinned. “Anything, Fiona.”
“Thank you, Jack.”
The drive went smoothly. We chatted every now and then, and it didn’t feel uncomfortable. Although, I could sense she was a little hesitant to open up, so I kept it to mundane questions.
Pulling up in front of the restaurant where the valet was, I quickly got out and made my way around the car. I chucked the keys to the guy who’d helped Fiona out of the car and then tucked Fiona’s hand back into the crook of my arm. However, she gently pulled it back out. I wasn’t sure why, but I didn’t let my confusion show. Instead, I placed my hand at the small of her back and guided her in.
Once we were seated and the waitress had taken our drink order, Fiona leaned in and said, “I’m sorry about before. I thought it would look strange if we walked in with me on your arm.”
I tilted my head to the side, still confused. “Why?”
Her eyes widened. “Jack, you’re young and very handsome. People will wonder what you’re doing with someone like me. I… I’m not comfortable having people’s judgment. If it seems innocent, like you’re my son taking his mother out, then I’ll be okay with that.”
I played with the stem of the empty wineglass on the table. “Fiona, may I ask why you want company with someone young? You could have asked for any age, but you didn’t.”
She looked around us, her cheeks heating once more. “Because… well, you see….” She stilled as she glanced over my shoulder. I took a quick look to see a man around Fiona’s age with a woman much younger. One who didn’t even look twenty-one. Yet, apparently, I didn’t look much older either.
However, now I understood what this was about. “Is he your ex?” I asked.
Tears welled and she nodded, looking away from her ex quickly. I wanted to get up and stalk over there to punch the fucker in the face. “Fiona,” I said gently and reached out to take her hand in mine. She looked up at me. “I hope you’ll believe what I say next, because I promise I’m not saying it considering our agreement.” She nodded. I ran my thumb over her hand, back and forth. I smiled. “A lot of men are fools. They don’t know when they have something good until they let it
go, but even then, sometimes they still don’t understand just what they’ve lost. They’ll chase what they think they want for the rest of their lives, and it won’t be until the end they realize they had the right person all along, but they’d let them go. Even with the short time I’ve been in your presence, I know your ex will be one of those.”
She looked away and sniffed. “It’s very sweet of you to say.”
“It’s all true. Now, are we here to make him jealous?”
She shrugged.
“Are you willing for people to see you on my arm, for them to think I could be your lover, your man?”
She shrugged once more.
“It’s not bad you want him to pay, sweetheart. It’s natural, normal.”
“He cheated on me with her for six months. She had only turned eighteen when it happened. I know I’m not young, skinny, or beautiful—”
“I’ll stop you there, darlin’. Never put yourself down. You’re mature, have something men would love to hold on to while they fuck you hard, and are stunning. Not everyone likes young bimbos.”
Her chest rose and fell rapidly.
“In fact, I’m not the only man admiring you tonight. If you opened your eyes and saw through the pain, you’ll find I’m telling the truth.”
Her eyes widened, and slowly she glanced around. I hadn’t been lying about anything I’d said. I hoped she saw it when her gaze crossed over the five men looking at her, a couple even raised their drinks her way. Our own beverages arrived, and I told the waitress we needed a moment longer.
When I looked back to Fiona, she was already gazing at me. “You are very good for my confidence.”
I winked. “Always happy to help, but you have to remember, I’m one for the truth.” I took a sip of my beer. “Now, how about we have some fun? Enjoy each other’s company and the meal?”
“That sounds wonderful.”
Fiona managed to keep her mind off her ex and have fun talking and laughing until he decided to step up to our table.
“Fiona, what are you doing here?” the dickhead asked harshly.
I stood. “Excuse me, who do you think you are speaking to Fiona that way?”
“I’m her ex-husband.”
I looked him over slowly and smirked. “Seriously?”
“Yes,” he ground out.
“Nice of you to stop by and say hello, but we were having a nice time, and I don’t want you to tarnish it. Please leave.”
“Leave, Lionel.”
He spluttered and stared down at her. Maybe she’d never spoken to him that way before, and if that was the case, I was glad to witness it.
He turned and walked off. I sat back down and smiled widely. “Good job, darlin’.”
She grinned back and shrugged. “I guess having you around gave me confidence.”
“I’m glad.”
As far as first clients went, I was happy with how mine turned out. I dropped Fiona home with a kiss to her cheek and a smile on her face. She was a sweet woman and deserved so much after what her ex had put her through. The poor woman felt unlovable or unworthy. With our time together, I hoped she felt better about herself.
If all clients were like Fiona, I’d be honest-to-God proud of the job I did.
Unfortunately, my smile faded when I remembered I had to head back to Polished to get paid and let Saint know how everything went.
I had to see Saint.
No doubt I would leave work with a hard-on I would have to take care of myself.
“Jesus motherfuckin’ Christ,” I swore, which helped me feel more normal. It was okay to put on airs and graces for a short while, but wearing this suit just wasn’t me, and I couldn’t wait to get back in jeans and a T-shirt.
Chapter Four
There was a quick rap on the door. I didn’t get to answer before it was opened. Torch stepped in, along with Kylo. They both seemed in good spirits, laughing about something.
“Hey, brother,” Torch called.
“Boss,” Kylo said with a nod.
Down, boy, I said to my dick when it perked up like the Scooby-Doo gang did with a clue.
“How did it go tonight?” I asked, leaning my forearms on the desk.
Torch put the camera and mic on the desk. “It was good, fuckin’ proud of the little punk. Never heard him speak all proper like that before, but this shithead can put on the charm.”
I caught Kylo tense.
Sighing, I scratched at my chin and asked, “Torch, you did tell him the pin has a camera and mic, right?”
Torch grinned. “Nope.”
“What do you mean camera?” Kylo clipped.
“Torch was supposed to tell you this pin isn’t only a silent alarm, but a camera and mic. The women use it for extra protection. They turn it off when things get down and dirty or don’t use it at all except for the alarm.”
“Tell me why you didn’t explain that?” Kylo demanded.
Torch rolled his eyes. “Come on, don’t get your panties in a twist. Knew it was only a date and not anythin’ else. I just wanted to see how you went.” He turned back to me. “You’ve got a good one here.” He slapped Kylo on the arm. “I’m out. Text me when my next job is.” Torch was out the door in seconds.
Shaking my head, I looked at Kylo. “Come here and I’ll show you where to switch the camera and mic off.” He stepped closer and glanced down at the device. I flipped it over and pointed out the part. “See that? Flick it down, and it’ll turn it off. You press the red button if you have an issue and need help. Got it?”
“Yep.” He nodded. He still looked a little annoyed at Torch for recording him. I’d be the same, but I was a selfish ass, and I couldn’t help but itch to watch that file, which would be sitting on my computer. I wanted to see how Kylo acted, wanted to know what happened. I wanted to know everything.
I hadn’t watched them before unless there had been an issue and our employee wanted us to see what happened.
“Glad it went well tonight. I’ll call you when you get the next one. Your money is already transferred into your account.” Now he had to get the fuck outta here before I could ask if he’d suck my dick again.
Bee, a sometimes hookup, hadn’t done a good job the other night. It hadn’t felt as epic as Kylo had done, and I fucking loved getting good head. Maybe it had something to do with the condom I wore with her.
“Thanks,” he said and still stood there.
“What’s up?”
He jolted. “Sorry?”
I smirked. “Was the date that good you can’t stop thinkin’ about it?”
“Something like that,” he replied with a laugh, but it wasn’t a normal one for him. “Do you roughly know when I’ll next be on?”
“No, not until it comes up.”
“Right.” He nodded.
“Okay,” I said.
He nodded once more and walked to the door.
Stop! Come back. Get to your knees and fuckin’ pleasure me. By the way, you’re an asshole for getting my dick addicted to your mouth.
I wondered if he would want my dick in his mouth again. It’d be so fucking wrong to ask, and very damn greedy.
Could I be greedy?
“Kylo,” I called as his hand touched the doorknob that I wished was my knob.
Fucking hell.
“Yeah?” he asked, looking over his shoulder.
Open your fucking mouth and just ask. It wouldn’t be weird. Who was I kidding? It’d be beyond weird.
I shook my head. “Nothin’, have a good night.”
He shook his head and turned. “No, you were going to say somethin’. What was it?”
I shrugged. “Can’t remember.”
He stared at me, crossing his arms over his chest. “Bullshit,” he stated.
I glared. “It’s fuckin’ not.”
He cocked a brow.
I’d never really looked at him before. He wasn’t bad looking for a guy. Young, but I knew he was twenty-three. All right, Jesus Christ, I’d admit he was damn good-looking in his suit. Even in his normal gear. His dark hair was opposite to my blond, but his was shaved at the sides, longer on top. His blue eyes were like a fucking clear blue sky….
What the fuck was I thinking?
“Go get changed and get outta here,” I told him. I wasn’t giving in to my desire for his mouth.
His jaw clenched. There was no doubt in my mind he wanted to argue some more, and I kind of did too because it was making me hard, and if it came down to it, I would win. But hell, arguing with him would lead to me asking for his mouth.
I wasn’t doing it.
As soon as he was out of here, I could leave since Country was taking over for the night. Then I could call a hookup, meet her someplace, and get head.
Would it be as good as Kylo?
I didn’t know, but I fucking prayed it would be.
Jenny had a good mouth on her. It’d been a while since I’d used her, and at least she knew it’d be just a one-night thing. She wasn’t looking for anything serious.
I grabbed my phone to do just that when Kylo asked, “What were you thinkin’?”
“Nothin’, now get outta here so I can go. Country will be here to take over soon.” I opened up the chat with Jenny and started to type something out.
“You’re callin’ a hookup?” Kylo asked, his voice hard.
I jolted and turned in the chair to where he stood close, looking over my shoulder. “What the fuck you think you’re doin’?” I clipped.
“You’re callin’ for some chick to suck your dick,” he said again with a glare.
“Among other things, so fuckin’ what?” I demanded. “You got no right to look at my personal shit in the first fuckin’ place.”
“I’ll do it,” he stated. Then he paled a little and stepped back until he was at the end of the desk.
“Do what?” I asked. My dick and heart already knew what he was getting at. They were both perking up, but my mind wanted clarification.